Yeah, after the reverb-drowned Grace Under Pressure, the band lost their way. When this album came it I really wanted to like it, but like, WTF.

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I'm glad you're feeling better, Lara.

I do disagree, but not as much as I'd like to. I hadn't noticed the shades of "Red Barchetta" that you pointed out, and now that I have, I wonder why I never noticed it before. I wish the synths were toned down so we could hear more of what Geddy's doing on the bass.

Lyrically, the song starts out kind of weakly for me, but it gets stronger. There are lots of great lines here—"life in two dimensions is a mass production scheme"; "some world views are spacious, and some are merely spaced"—and yet they don't build as well as they could. To my ear, the rhyming scheme is a big part of the problem.

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