Not to argue, but after reading your review I went back and gave Prime Mover another listen. And still—no. Doesn’t do a thing for me. Hold your fire was such a weird album. Starts off strong with Force Ten , goes into Time Stand Still, which is still a top ten Rush song for me, but then a whole lot of bleh. But at least they rebounded with Presto

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Okay, I laughed out loud at your "Tai Shan" comment. And I understand why "Hold Your Fire" was a departure point for many Rush fans; but it holds a very special place in my heart. It was the first of their studio albums I bought as a new fan (I don't know how or why my brother let "Power Windows" escape my notice), and the first Rush tour I attended. "Prime Mover" and "Mission" kept me going through grad school, so much so that I thanked them in my doctoral dissertation acknowledgments.

All that to say that I don't think you're losing your edge... I think the song is working its magicks on you now that you're able to evaluate it in the context of the totality of their work.

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